Welcome to Health and Wellness Foundation of Pike County
We are pleased to provide you with insights into the Foundation’s accomplishments and provide resources that you can use to access our many funding opportunities. For almost 20 years we have evaluated how to advance community health priorities while being responsive to local concerns and opportunities. As a result of this process, we have awarded over $1.5 million to further programs, services, and interventions that impactfully address Pike County’s most pressing health needs.
We see value in engaging in community partnerships that have a greater capacity to improve health outcomes. This commitment to creative collaboration is reflected in funding such projects as the Pike County Health Department’s Safety Net Dental Clinic, the Pike County Community Health Partnership (PCCHP) multi-agency collaborative, the West Central Illinois Agency on Aging (WCIAAA) Pike County Senior Expo and Resource Fair, and fiscal sponsorship of the Pikeland and Griggsville/Perry Snack Pack Programs.
It is well understood that those in rural areas seeking mental health services face the barriers of availability, accessibility, and affordability. In response to this growing hardship, particularly for Pike County’s youth, in 2021 our Board of Directors made a bold decision to make a three-year commitment of $140,000 to focus on this concern. Through a partnership with Mental Health Centers of Western Illinois (MHCWI) this grant makes possible a full-time mental health resource in Pike County’s Pleasant Hill, Griggsville-Perry, and Western School Districts. We believe this is a necessary and appropriate first step in tackling the mental health emergency facing our youth.
Albert Einstein, the renowned German Physicist, is credited with this statement which sums up the intent of our work. We continually strive to be of value to Pike County - to be of perpetual consequence - to make a difference in the scope and significance of the overall health and well-being of every community across the county. Facilitating optimum health and wellness for families, youth, seniors, and the underserved in Pike County will remain at the forefront of our efforts.
I welcome any opportunity to discuss our work with you, and to share with you how your donation to the Health and Wellness Foundation can continue to make Pike County a healthier place for ALL to live!
Patricia McIntosh
Executive Director