Healthy Community Grant Overview
Through the Healthy Community Competitive Grant, the Health and Wellness Foundation of Pike County (HWFPC) invites proposals from not-for-profit entities which are in alignment with the Foundation’s mission of assisting organizations and initiatives that positively influence the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of those seeking services in Pike County.
The Healthy Community Grant awards projects with a budget of up to $7500.00 in a twelve-month funding cycle and typically do not exceed one year. Applications for this grant are accepted beginning in June annually. Healthy Community Grant applicants will receive notification of HWFPC’s decision to fund, deny, or defer project funding no later than October 30.
Projects exceeding $7500 annually, should apply to the Health Catalyst Grant. Applications can be downloaded from this website or may be obtained by contacting the Foundation office.
Funding Priorities
HWFPC invests in projects that are capable of addressing Pike County’s most pressing health needs and have the greatest impact on health status. Among the numerous areas eligible for funding, the following priorities of concern have been identified:
- Obesity, nutrition, and exercise
- Childhood health
- Mental and behavioral health
- Substance abuse
- Oral health and access to dental care
- Quality of life, including access to food, shelter, and basic health care
- Prevention and wellness
- Access to services and health care
- Health education
- Capacity building
- Others as identified
Funded Projects
Advocacy Network for Children, CASA Pike County: $7500
Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program has seen an increased need for CASA volunteers as more children become under the care of the court. The Pike County program was started to help abused and neglected children. To assist with the county’s expanding need, grant funds were used to hire a CASA program coordinator and volunteer supervisor to be dedicated to Pike County in support of youth in the care of the court system.
Pleasant Hill Therapy Dog: $4274
Grant funds were used to provide formal training of a therapy dog to support students in grades K-12 in Pleasant Hill CUSD #3.
Pike County Health Department: $6000
The Illinois Project for Local Assessment of Needs (IPLAN) is a community health assessment and planning process conducted every five years by the Pike County Health Department and mandated by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). The essential elements of IPLAN include an organizational capacity assessment; a community health needs assessment; and a community health plan, which focuses on a minimum of three priority health problems.
Picture Pittsfield: $1000
Grant funding was awarded to help purchase paving materials to facilitate the completion of a new walking path at Pittsfield’s King Park.
Pike County CEO: $1000
This funding constitutes support for this program that enables participating High School students to be immersed in real-life learning experiences. HWFPC has awarded $1000 annually to assist in the operations of this program which offers: business mentors; an annual student Trade Show which serves to inspire students to return to their communities to start successful businesses in their home communities.
Access Food: $3500
This program provides animal protein to Pike County food pantries by utilizing deer harvested locally by hunters. Much of the county’s population is food insecure and frequently utilizes food pantries that serve approximately 3000 individuals monthly through Two Rivers Food Pantry in Pittsfield and Barry Food Pantry. Grant funds will be used to process the estimated 200+ deer donated by Pike County hunters.
Pleasant Hill School Playground: $7500
Grant funds were used to replace the existing old and unsafe Pleasant Hill Elementary School playground equipment. The new equipment provides an updated and safe play area that promotes healthy activities for Pleasant Hill youth grades Pre K through 3.
Access Food Project, Two Rivers RC&D: $3500
This program provides animal protein to Pike County food pantries by utilizing deer harvested locally by hunters. Over 12% of the county's population is food insecure and frequently utilize food pantries that serve approximately 3000 individuals monthly through the Two Rivers Food Pantry in Pittsfield and the Barry Food Pantry. Grant funds will be used to process the estimated 200+ deer donated by Pike County hunters equating to 10,000 pounds of protein and help to provide much-needed protein for Pike County families.
Pike CEO Program: $1000
This funding constitutes support for this valuable program that enables participating High School students to be immersed in real-life learning experiences that teach them to take risks and learn from the outcomes. Since its inception, HWFPC has awarded $1000 annually to assist in the operations of this program which offers: business mentors; an annual student Trade Show to showcase their businesses, and serves to inspire students to return to their communities to live in and start successful businesses in their home communities.
Griggsville-Perry High School Mental Health Awareness Day: $1290
The need for expanded social-emotional support for Pike County students will be addressed in the Griggsville-Perry High School through their Mental Health Awareness Day. Grant funds will be used to underwrite the event to be held on December 20th. High school students will gain the benefit of presenters covering 6 key topics which include: positive mental health, suicide awareness, benefits of sleep, depression, stress management, and healthy relationships.
SIU School of Medicine Center for Family Medicine, Pike County Health Department Facility Upgrades: $21,800
To address the growing demand for health services, partly exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, HWFPC awarded grant funding to be used toward remodeling Pike County Health Department offices and clinic space. SIU also expanded the Safety Net Dental Clinic staffing and offerings, which required additional space to better meet the growing demand for services.
Pike County Food Pantries/Programs: Pikeland Snack Pack Program, Griggsville/Perry Snack Pack Program, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Summer Meal Program, Barry Food Pantry, The Crossing Food Pantry, Two Rivers Reach-Out Food Pantry:$30,000
HWFPC awarded six grants in the amount of $5000 each toward the purchase of food supplies, as well as perishable and non-perishable items for all of the food pantries in Pike County and one summer food program for youth. The needs imposed on families, seniors, and children as a result of the pandemic, and economic pressures have increased the utilization of these resources and seen usage by new families and individuals requiring assistance.
Two Rivers RC&D, Access Food Project: $5200
This program provides animal protein to Pike County food pantries by utilizing deer harvested locally by hunters. Over 12% of the county’s population is food insecure and frequently utilize food pantries serving approximately 3000 individuals monthly through the Two Rivers Food Pantry in Pittsfield and the Barry Food Pantry. Grant funds will be used to process the estimated 200+ deer donated by Pike County hunters. and help to provide much-needed protein for Pike County families.
Pike County Health Department, Technology Upgrades: $5000
Essential to the daily operations of the Health Department, is its ability to electronically provide much-needed public health services and to receive necessary security updates to operating system software. In support of the Health Dept.’s multi-phase approach to addressing the need, HWFPC grant funds will be used to purchase HP office computers to replace current outdated, aging, and unreliable equipment, operating/business software, and related installation expenses.
Pike County Unmet Needs (PCUN): $3500
Pike County Unmet Needs is governed by a Board of Directors and case workers who seek to fund interventions for families with no other forms of assistance. Among the areas of needs met by this group are transportation, utilities, housing, food, and other personal necessities. In the last fiscal year, PCUN has provided assistance to 239 adults and 173 children. In June 2019 HWFPC provided a $3500 grant to PCUN, and in the current cycle, HWFPC grant fund will enable PCUN to meet the growing demand for assistance.
Griggsville-Perry High School, Mental Health Awareness Day: $1290
The need for expanded social-emotional support for Pike County students will be addressed in the Griggsville-Perry High School through their Mental Health Awareness Day. HWFPC has awarded $1290 to underwrite the event held on December 20. The high school’s 89 students will gain the benefit of presenters covering 6 key topics which include: positive mental health, suicide awareness, benefits of sleep, depression, stress management, and healthy relationships.
Pike CEO Program: $1000
This funding constitutes year 4 of support for this valuable program that enables participating High School students to be immersed in real-life learning experiences that teach them to take risks and learn from the outcomes. HWFPC has awarded $1000 annually to assist in the operations of this program which offers: business mentors; an annual student Trade Show; and serves to inspire students to start successful businesses in their home communities.
Pike County Health Department, Safety Net Dental Clinic: $7500
Opened in 2103 by the Safety Net Dental Clinic aids low in-come, underserved individuals who rely on Medicaid or have no source of affordable dental care. Currently, they serve over 4400 patients from 89 zip codes. Grant funds will be used to purchase replacement dental equipment and patient treatment supplies. Safety is a growing concern in Pike County and all rural populations due to opioid addiction, illegal drug usage, and increased violence, thus grant funds will also purchase a security system that will enable them to monitor the facility or review for suspicious activity.
Pike County 708 Mental Health Board, Mental Health Survey: $6000
In response to the state of need for mental health in Pike County and the diminishing availability of resources, HWFPC offered grant funding in the amount of $6000 to the Pike County 708 Mental Health Board. Grant funds were used to hire an individual to conduct a mental health resource evaluation to be utilized by the Pike County 708 Mental Health Board in understanding the scope of this need and discerning how those needs are being met. This evaluation was also made available to any other provider seeking to utilize the information.
Two Rivers RC&D, Access Food Project: $5000
This program provides animal protein to Pike County food pantries by utilizing deer harvested locally by hunters. Over 14% of the county’s population is food insecure and frequently utilize food pantries that serve approximately 3000 individuals monthly through the 2 Rivers Food Pantry in Pittsfield and the Barry Food Pantry. HWFPC grant funds will be used to process the estimated 200+ deer donated by Pike County hunters.
PCUN: $3500
Pike County Unmet Needs is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and case workers who seek to fund interventions for families with no other forms of assistance. Among the areas of needs met by this group are transportation, utilities, housing, food, and other personal necessities. Grant funds were used to meet the growing demand for assistance.
Barry Food Pantry: $5000
This all-volunteer enterprise, the Barry Food Pantry is open 3 days a week: 2 mornings and one evening serving Barry, the Western School District, and families in that region of the county. Grant funds were used to purchase food, perishable, and non-perishable items for the Barry Food Pantry that are then given to individuals and families in need.
Pike CEO Program: $1000
This funding constitutes year 3 of a three-year, $3000 pledge to this program enabling Pike County students to be immersed in real-life learning experiences that teach them to take risks and learn from the outcomes. Grant funds are used to support the program and enable students to experience a learning experience that focuses on “21st Century“ skills to be inspired to return to their communities to start successful businesses.
Illini Community Hospital Growing Our Care, Capital Expansion Project: $5000/Year 5 of $25,000 Pledge
The “Growing Our Care” Campaign expansion will more than double the size of the Illini Rural Health Clinic as well as create new areas for the Consulting Physicians Clinic, Outpatient Services, and Oncology in the previously unused space above the Emergency Department. Grant funds will support these additions and allow Illini to better serve its expanding patient base, encompassing: more than 4,000 patients served by the Rural Health Clinic, nearly 2,500 patients seen annually by the Outpatient Services and Oncology Departments, and the nearly 4,500 patients seen each year by the Consulting Physicians Clinic.
For previous grants awarded, please contact the Foundation office.
To Apply
All proposals meeting the criteria of eligibility will be taken into consideration. Proposals are selected, and/or denied for funding based on the project’s ability to:
- Offer effective ways to address health problems or disparities
- Positively impact Pike County’s most pressing health needs and disparities
- Exhibit collaboration between service providers and/or agencies
- Leverage other sources of funding
- Demonstrate ability to remain sustainable
Applicant eligibility is based on the ability to meet the following criteria:
- Project is consistent with HWFPC’s mission and benefits the health/wellness of Pike County, IL
- Tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, operates under a 501(c)(3) Fiscal Agent, a school, governmental, or public entity
- New or existing program
- May be based outside of Pike County, but must provide services within Pike County, IL.
- Organization previously funded by HWFPC
- HWFPC does not fund individuals; religious organizations, or clubs; expenses already incurred; annual or capital campaigns; political campaigns or lobbying
For more information or questions about any of the requested information, please contact the Foundation office.
Completed grant applications are due at the Foundation office by mail no later than August 1, annually in the format described below. Hand-delivered applications will ONLY be accepted with prior arrangements. Email, fax, or other shipping submissions are not accepted.
Two Copies
Provide one complete original and one complete copy of the Grant Application.
Page Requirements
No more than ten pages, printed on 8 1/2" x 11" paper, single sided,12 pt. font. Attachments are not counted as part of the overall response limit.
No Extra Materials
Do not include materials not specifically requested including videos, brochures, or other materials.
Mailing Address
Applications should be sent to the Foundation office at the following address:
Health and Wellness Foundation of Pike County
112 W. Washington, PO Box 81
Pittsfield, IL 62363